Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Baby Should Be Coming Tomorrow!!'s official, I don't have anymore students lined up until February. My online job is going great...but I'd love to have a break from it by going into LABOR!!! I've officially cleaned up my house, done laundry, packed my hospital bag, in hopes that baby will come soon. If he doesn't come tomorrow, I'm going to need to do some more laundry. I've taken a bubble bath, painted my nails, gone to get a pedicure, caught up on mostly everything...and life is great really. I've waited for this moment my whole life...the moment where I really don't have much to do and I can do whatever I want! Isn't it great?! Man, I should enjoy this ME time :) Today I woke up at 7 am, made myself an egg bagel sandwich, ate it and watched "A Baby Story", and bawled my eyes out! I'm such a girl. It was so amazing each time a baby was born that I was crying and crying! Oh man, I'm pregnant. Here's what I look like....and I hope to never look this huge ever's a little embarrassing I'm not going to lie :) Aaaaa...I'm huge!!!


  1. AAHHH, GOOD LUCK!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!! You're going to be SUCH a fantastic mama -- can't wait to see that little boy of yours! I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers! Eeeekkk!!!

  2. Hey Angela it's Sara Rose (Kim's sister)! I hope you don't mind me checking in on you on your blog :) I was just on Kim's and noticed yours on the side mentioning baby...I knew you were pregnant and didn't realize you are so close! How exciting. Who knows maybe you have already had him by the time you read this. I just have to say you look adorable! Such an exciting time and I am so happy for you. You and Jordan really made an impact on us when you visited us in Florida. You are going to be WONDERFUL parents. Good luck and congrats!

  3. Can't stop thinking about you. I am so excited for you today!!!!! You are in my prayers!!!
